Sound of Music

Summer 1994

I did this tour all by myself because no one else wanted to. It was a little hokey at first with everyone on the bus singing the songs but after about 15 minutes I was singing along at the top of my lungs too!

Munich 1994

Summer 1994

We visited Munich as a group from our University studies. It was a great break from school and a fun time with all of us together.


Summer 1994

Strasbourg is another beautiful French city in the Alsace region in Northeastern France with culture and architecture blending German and French influences. It is famous for being the formal seat of the European Parliament and the Gothic Cathedral Notre Dame and its astronomical clock.


Summer 1994

I love this quaint town of Colmar ! It’s an old town with cobblestone streets lined with half-timbered medieval and early Renaissance buildings. It is both French and German due to it’s location close to the German border and in the Alsace Lorraine region that has gone back and forth between Germany and France for hundreds of years.


Summer 1994

I absolutely adore Reichenau! It is a short walk from Constance along the river that flows into the lake. It is an island in the river and connected to the mainland by a causeway. It is called the Blumeninsel or flower island because of the beautiful flowers all over the island, it is so colorful and gorgeous! It is famous for it’s Benedictine Abbey from the 8th century and the island is a UNESCO World Heritage Centre.


Summer 1994

Meersburg is located a short boat ride across Lake Constance from Constance. The town is built on a steep vineyard right by the lake, has been a tourist attraction since the medieval times due to it’s castle, many museums and how beautiful it is.


Summer 1994

I studied German Literature at the Universitat Konstanz in 1994. It is a bustling University town right on Lake Constance or better known as the Bodensee. The lake shares the shore with Germany, Austria and Switzerland and a fabulous backdrop of the alps. Constance is one of the only big cities in Germany that was not destroyed in WWII because it is actually on the Swiss side of the river so it was too close to take a chance of bombing it.