

March 12, 2019

It was a beautifully smooth landing in Bucharest on a clear and chilly evening. But the moon looks scary!! I swear I’m not making it up but it has a foreboding aura about it….well we’re not too far from Transylvania!!!!

My driver picked me up right in the airport so it was easy to get to the hotel at this late hour Plus we got to see many of the beautiful old buildings and monuments lit up.

Arc de Triumf, just like the one in Paris

The beginning of the pedestrian only area of the Old Town where my hotel is

My room is so adorable, I made a special request for the top floor where there is only one room with the only balcony in this historic boutique hotel right in the middle of the old town.

Rembrandt Hotel

Simple and clean and comfortable room. But the terrace is why I booked it. Look at these views.

By the time I got settled and into bed it was 2am!

Good night Bucharest, looking forward to tomorrow.

March 13, 2019

After a not so great sleep, I decided to get up at 6:30am to see the city at sunrise. It was worth it, especially the copper topped buildings.

View from my terrace

My lovely terrace

Some of the old buildings not yet restored

Chilly morning!

I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning, so excited to get out and explore the city. But I was starving so breakfast first.

I love European breakfasts much more than American and since I have such a beautiful terrace I decided to brave the chill and have breakfast out there. It didn’t last too long before I brought it in but it was a nice start.

I love my private terrace!

Off for some sightseeing

Look at the beautiful old French inspired architecture juxtaposed with Communist Block gray concrete.

Statue of their beloved pre-Communism Monarch Carol I

This is the former Communist Center where Nicolae Ceausescu made his last speech on December 22, 1989

I remember clearly seeing the events of the Romanian Revolution play out on CNN. The dissent in the crowd, the uprising and finally the military switching sides to back the protestors. This was shocking because at this time their secret police force, the Securitate, were one of the largest and strongest in the Eastern Bloc.

Ceausescu and his wife narrowly escaped from a waiting helicopter and fled Bucharest.

Three days later, on Christmas Day, they were caught, put on trial, found guilty of genocide, abuse of power and damage to the economy, sentenced to death and immediately executed by a firing squad.

On to lighter topics, the Parliament of the People was commissioned by this megalomaniac which bled the nation dry during severely hard times of rationing of food, water and utilities for the people. It is the second largest administrative building in the world, the Pentagon being first.

The Roman Athenaeum is probably the most beautiful building in town and it’s where the philharmonic plays in all its opulence.

Some pretty areas in town, I didn’t take many pictures of the Communist architecture like these:

Now back to beauty!

Kretzulescu Church is an Eastern Orthodox Church right at one of the corners of Revolution Square.

Walking back to Old Town and getting hungry for lunch!

Caru cu Bere is a famous 19th Century brewery that serves traditional Romanian fare in an architectural landmark cavernous building from 1897.

I stuck with the classics:

Ciorba de Burta, a sour soup with beef tripe was delicious.

The very popular Sarmale is cabbage rolls stuffed with ground meat and Mamaliga, a polenta like side dish mixed with cream and cheese. I ate less than half and was stuffed but it was so good and the atmosphere of the restaurant made the experience so much fun.

Off the walk off my lunch and visit another church.

The beautiful Stavropoleos Monastery built in 1724 by monks. It is right in the old town and is a mix of Baroque and Byzantine styles. I loved the peaceful garden courtyard.

Back to my terrace for sunset. Tonight I’m going out in Bucharest with a Romanian friend.

The Intercontinental is a beautiful hotel in the center of town with beautiful views.

Old Town was hopping and music blaring

First stop Nomads Skybar and some Romanian Palinca – a plum schnapps type liquor – whoa, strong!

Next stop is the infamous Hanul lui Manuc for more authentic Romanian food and entertainment.

A glass of local Visinata to start the meal

The music and dancing was entertaining

Platou Guiguic – All kinds of pork loveliness – knuckle, collar, fat, rind, ham, carp puck roe, pickles, red onion and mustard.

Mititei – Mici skinless sausages

Smoked Traditional Plescoi Sausages

Papanasai – Romanian Doughnuts with Sour Cream and berries. One order had cherries, the other blueberries.

March 14, 2019

I slept much better last night! Had a leisurely morning and strolled around town.

Just love my mornings in Bucharest

Pretty Old Town is always bustling

The infamous Vlad the Impaler

They are renovating Vlad the Impalers Old Princely Court

Beautiful old church

A very photographed book store because it’s so pretty!

Bucharest has some beautiful covered passages, this one is Pasajul Villacrosse. Perfect for a cup of coffee!


Headed to the airport and will say goodbye to Bucharest. Next stop is Budapest, Hungary!

This plane is so old!!! I think they still have ashtrays in the armrests! I haven’t seen comfy seats like this since I was a little girl!

St. Gilgen 1994

Summer 1994

I love this beautiful town right on the shore of Lake Wolfgang. It is so storybook German with the architecture and the surrounding Salzkammergut.

Mondsee 1994

Summer 1994

The Lakes District or Salzkammergut in Austria is one of my favorite places in all of Europe. The rolling green hills dotted with cows, sparkling blue lakes and the strong Alps in the backdrop make it one of the prettiest places on Earth.