Crystal River Cruises

March 2019

Crystal River Cruises invited our group to have dinner and experience their river ships while we were in Vienna, Austria. It was definitely an exciting evening that we were all looking forward to!

The Ravel gliding past my balcony today

Tying up to the Mozart

The Crystal Mahler, sister to Ravel, is to the right. Three beauties!

Tonight we had to go through the Mozart to get to the Ravel. Half of our group went to the Mahler, with pretty much the exact experience as the ship is a sister ship.

A welcome cocktail by friendly bartenders is always nice.

They enjoyed showing off for us too!

We were welcomed into the lounge with cocktails and canapés and piano music, the atmosphere was welcoming and comfortable.

It was a nice time and everyone was excited for dinner.

The Bistro

The Vintage Room

This suite can connect with others for families traveling together.

More pictures of the beautiful Crystal Ravel

Welcome to dinner at Waterside on the Crystal Ravel!

Great dinner companions in Waterside

Tonight’s Dinner Menu

Tonight’s Paired Wines

Cheers….or Prost!

After this amazing dinner, we went over to the Crystal Mozart to explore the ship. Different than the Ravel or Mahler and much wider.

Notice how much wider the ship is as you look to the other side

Connoisseurs Club was very comfortable!

Munich 2019


March 22, 2019

We were so sad to leave the AmaLea this morning. We had our last breakfast and Mimosa before heading to Munich. We were all exhausted from such a fun week.

A bunch of us took the train from Vilshofen to Munich, an easy 2 hour train ride. Should be fun with all of us.

We were happy to be traveling first class so we could relax and spread out….

Well we were wrong! The first class car wasn’t big enough for all of us and with all of our stuff it was crowded. It looked more like a paddy wagon!

But we had a fun time

We made it to the Hauptbahnhof in Munich and it was a beautiful day.

Our hotel was right in the Altstadt which makes it very convenient to get to all the major sights in Munich. I was so happy to have the bed made like I have at home, very comfy!

Instead of Goldbaren-Gummy Bears they had Schlaf Schäfchen-Sleep Sheep! So cute 🐑

There was a beer festival today and lots of fun events going on. These guys came in with the beer wagons pulled by huge horses!

The Viktualienmarkt is a great place for something to eat, markets for meat, vegetables, flowers, crafts and beer. There is a great outdoor Biergarten that is always busy.

The Marienplatz is the center of old town Munich and has the famous Glockenspiel in the tower of the Rathaus behind me.

The hand-painted blown egg ornaments are my favorite. I bought so many in Salzburg many years ago and they are on the tree every year. I wanted to buy more but wouldn’t be able to carry them.

Outdoor Biergarten in the Viktualienmarkt

The meat options in the Viktualienmarkt are amazing, lots of pork and lots of sausages. Reminds me of when we used to come here on Sunday mornings to get everything we need to make the usual hangover weekend brunch-Weisswurst with sweet mustard, a big pretzel and a big Hefeweizen beer!

Viktualienmarkts colorful and beautiful markets

The maypole in the middle of the Viktualienmarkt

The top of the Rathaus looking at the Frauenkirche, the symbol of Munich.

The Frauenkirche

Looking down at the Marienplatz

Inside the Frauenkirche

The Glockenspiel behind me

The Glockenspiel is world famous since 1908, the figurines twirl a few times a day and represent stories from Munich’s history.

We went to Steindl Trachtem to look at traditional dirndls. We had soooooo much fun trying all the different styles, colors and options.

I ended up with a beautiful light blue dirndl!

Ready for a night out in Munich!

Headed to the beer halls

Prost!!! From the Hofbrauhaus 🍺🥨

Traditional Weisswurst dinner

Lots of fun and oompah music

Lots of laughs at our table

Gute nacht München, ’til next time!

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise:

Vilshofen, Germany

March 21, 2019

Vilshofen, Germany

We left Passau in the early afternoon and made our way to Vilshofen. We have an afternoon and evening of partying so I needed to get a bunch of work done today. It was so peaceful in the lounge on a couch with my laptop watching the beautiful scenery go by.

When we arrived in Vilshofen there was a tent set up right outside of our ship. We had a cocktail party in the lounge first and then headed straight to the beer tent.

It was a small Oktoberfest! They had beer, pretzels, Oompah music and so much fun.

Everyone dressed for the occasion!

The music was great and many of us were dancing, or at least tried to dance to the music!

Oktoberfest led right to dinner.

Tonight’s Menu

Another delicious dinner!

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise:

Passau, Germany

March 21, 2019

Passau, Germany

Such a pretty little town I woke up to this morning. There was a swan there to greet me right in front of my balcony. Passau is on the Austrian border at the confluence of the Danube, Inn and Ilz rivers which is why it is known as the Three Rivers City. There is also a 13th-century fortress overlooking the city.

Morning stroll along the river

The fortress overlooks the town

Passau is susceptible to floods due to the three rivers around it

I love the pastel colors of the buildings.

Such a beautiful church and all the art. In Passau they give directions by which church bell tower you pass since there are so many.

View from the Fortress above the town.

Feels good to be back home

The sundeck is an amazing place to relax and watch the world go by! Too bad we only had a few days to enjoy it. While the weather was nice, it is spring and some days were too chilly. The few days when it hit 60 was perfect to enjoy the deck, it’s so comfortable.

Above are the officers on the AMALea in March 2019.

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise:

Salzburg 2019


March 20, 2019

Our port this morning is Linz, a city right on the river. Linz has never been a favorite of mine as it is more of an industrial city. But there is a nice old part of town that is worth exploring if you have some time.

Without any question I was going to Salzburg today, one of my favorite cities!! The city of Mozart with it’s graceful green oxidized copper domes, spires reaching high into the sky, an imposing cliff top fortress, gardens galore and the mountains beyond.

The view from Mirabelle Gardens is one of the best, and the gardens themselves are some of the prettiest in all of Salzburg!

Spring is in bloom in Salzburg

Beautiful views as we cross the river Salzach. Salz means salt in German, Salzburg means salt castle. The areas surrounding Salzburg is full of salt mines which is where Salzburg gained its riches. Well most of the riches were from taxing the salt that came through the river in the eighth century.

Getriedegaße is famous for it’s wrought iron guild signs for each business, the birth home of Mozart, fabulous shopping and it is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This narrow pedestrian only street is so picturesque, it is one of the most photographed in Austria.

The Salzburg Cathedral is impressive and has a beautiful square front where they have many local events and concerts in the summer.

St. Peter’s Abby is such a beautiful place to wander around and they have an amazing restaurant right next to it that’s a must.

Mozart’s House

The skies cleared so more pics of Salzburg from the bridge!

Views from the fortress over Salzburg and the river.

The Lakes District of Austria outside of Salzburg, the Salzkammergut, is dreamy. The little town of Mondsee or Moon Lake is named because of the shape of the lake that is located on. The church there is famous as being the one they used in the wedding scene in Sound of Music.

Some pictures of the pretty buildings in Linz.

Tonight we were graciously invited to have dinner aboard one of the Crystal Cruises River ships! Everyone went, even the AMA, Avalon and Scenic people, nice to be able to see all the differences between the different River Cruise companies. More pictures in another post!

 See the post from our Crystal experience:

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise:

Wachau Valley 2019

Durnstein & Grein, Austria

March 19, 2019

Dürnstein is such a beautiful little town on the Danube. It’s prominently displayed behind many river cruise ships in their promotional pictures and you would probably recognize the beautiful blue St. Peter’s Abbey.

St. Peter’s Abbey

Dürnstein is in the Wachau Valley, one of the most beautiful areas of the Danube. There are vineyards all along the water and they produce some great wines.

We had a fun and informative wine tasting with some of the local vintners. One of the most popular from the area is the Grüner Veltliner. We also tasted their Marillen Schnapps and sweet liquor.

More of the beautiful St. Peter’s Abbey

Just admiring the beautiful views from this perfect spot.

They are also known for their Marillen, similar to our Apricots but they are special and highly prized in Europe. They use them in many ways, not just for drinking but in jams, cakes and my favorite, the Marillenknödel-a sweet dumpling!

It was so nice to see the Schloss Dürnstein, one of the places we stayed when we visited on our Honeymoon. It’s a beautiful hotel with amazing views.

Spring is in bloom in Austria!

Melk Abbey stands prominently above the Wachau Valley and it its beautiful! Wish you could take pictures inside because it’s something to see!

Entering a lock, notice how far down the water is from the top.

Sitting in the lounge, see the walls of the lock right outside the window.

Water level all the way up

While we were cruising and going through the locks, they served onion tarts and Apfelshorle in the lounge. It was a very relaxing trip to Grein, our next stop today.

We arrived in Grein later in the afternoon as the sun was setting.

Greinberg Schloss is our destination tonight.

We took a nice walk through town up to the castle. The sunset was spectacular!

Look at how the cross is glowing orange with the suns rays.

The oranges are sooooo pretty I couldn’t stop taking pictures.

We arrived at the castle where the royal family (not ruling) still lives part time. The Prince is the great grandson of Queen Victoria.

I got to meet a real Prince!

We were able to see some of the public areas.

Back to the ship for dinner!

Tonight’s Menu

Excited for Salzburg tomorrow!

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise:

Vienna 2019


March 17/18, 2019

AMA Waterways River Cruise

Vienna with all the Imperial History, Hapsburgs rule, grand Palaces, museums and music make it a cultural delight! It has always been one of my favorite cities in Europe and I love coming back over and over again.

St. Stephansdom or St. Steven’s Cathedral is an iconic landmark in the city. It’s my favorite out of the many church’s in Vienna. The sheer size, architecture and history are intriguing.

The inside is cavernous and ornate, and there was an art installation with pink colored paper objects hanging in the center, it was pretty.

Taking the 343 stairs up to the top of the taller south tower. Great way to work off the Weidner Schnitzel! The stairs are narrow, worn and smooth so not so easy to navigate, plus if someone is coming down at the same time you have to both squeeze by each other. It took about 10 minutes to get to the top and the views are worth it.

I love the colored tiles on the roof and the patterns, looks great close up and from afar

I really enjoyed doing this alone so I could spend time looking at Vienna from above in all directions

See how beautiful the tiled roof is!

Please look at this collection of pictures, zoom in on each photo to see what the cathedral looked like after it was bombed in WWII. You can’t imagine how it was able to come back to its current glory.

The girls having fun in Vienna

One of my favorite spots to take pictures in Vienna! Plus there’s always a horse and buggy to go by!

We all need to get a picture here!

Ready for a traditional Viennese Heuriger lunch experience.

Oh yeah, the best comfort food in Bavaria is Kasespatzle!

Traditional and crunchy Weiner Schnitzel with lemon! Tender veal pounded thin, breaded and fried til crisp! You have to try it at least once in Vienna, it’s their signature dish. Wein means Vienna in German, so Weiner means it’s from Vienna-so Weiner Schnitzel is a Schnitzel variety from Vienna!

Potato dumplings stuffed with meat, sauerkraut with speck and herbs.

Not sure I we can eat anymore!

Spring is in bloom in Vienna! I loved seeing all the spring bulbs and plant I don’t see in California.

I could not wait to shop for Austrian Crystal at J & L Lobmeyr on Kärntnerstraße!

Just look at the inside of the shop, it was spectacular, glittery and shimmering!! The middle chandeliers are the same as the ones they made when they were commissioned to make them for the Metropolitan Opera House in New York!

Speaking of an Opera House, the Vienna Staatsoper is so beautiful and opulent inside with its red velvets and gold. Definitely take a tour inside, it’s fascinating.

Jamie and I ready to go into the infamous Hotel Sacher right next to the Opera House on Kärntnerstraße.

The hotel is opulent and beautiful!

The infamous Sacher Torte is only genuine if made here! Have it mit obers and an einspänner

Here is a good view of the double balcony from the outside. Sunken in with the chairs is the traditional balcony and right next to it is the French balcony which is pushed out flush with the outside of the ship.

This window is inside the bathroom and it works with a switch to make it clear or frosted for privacy. I thought it was a bit strange but than realized it made the bathroom feel more spacious when open and gave better lighting.

Ready for another gourmet dinner!

Tonight’s Menu

Dinner was sublime as usual, I loved the salmon trout, it was perfectly cooked.

We had a fun evening at the Kursalon. A classical music concert with Strauss and Mozart favorites. Everyone was dressed up, champagne was flowing and and waltzes being played. I’ve seen a similar concert like this in Shönbrunn Palace before and loved it so I was excited to go again and it didn’t disappoint!

Schönbrunn Palace is a favorite!

Tonight a Viking ship was tied up to us, close your blinds!

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise:

Bratislava, Slovakia

March 17, 2019

AMA Waterways River Cruise

We arrived in Bratislava which is the capital of Slovakia, a former part of Czechoslovakia. It was a chilly and sunny day to explore this little gem.

Kristin and Diane patting Cumil for luck!

The Castle up on the hill

Sunday mornings are quiet and peaceful!

The main square and theater

The American Embassy, the only one with a security wall around it!

St. Michael’s Gate is a beautiful landmark

Pretty manhole covers

Beer tasting in Bratislava

And platters of cured meats and cheeses

Definitely a fun experience!

Now for the Slovak National Dish…

Bryndzové halušky – potato dumplings with sheep cheese and roasted bacon

Sailing away from Bratislava and watching the Castle from the sundeck

Such a nice way to visit a city on a river cruise

This is the French Balcony

All the doors open in the cabin with the warm breeze in the cabin or deck

The top deck is so relaxing!

The heart is a memorial made of the barbed wire that used to be part of the Iron Curtain. This area of the Danube between Slovakia and Austria was called the Iron Gate because it was an area that was block and no one could go in or out of this “Iron Curtain” of Communism.

Part of the area where the Nazis were stationed, in that ugly building that they keep there as a remembrance of what happened.

The freedom gate is a memorial to those who were killed trying to escape

Calming and serene view from my balcony

Enjoying the sun setting on the Danube while enjoying the top de k of the AMA river cruise ship

St. Patrick’s Day festivities in Slovakia

Going through the locks was fun!

St. Patrick’s Day fun onboard in the lounge with cruise line owner Kristin Karst and Diane Horan, my AMA support-both amazing women.

Such an amazing experience to have dinner onboard with the owner of AMA Waterways Kristin Karst!

Tonight’s Menu

Confrerie de la Chaine de Rotisseurs dinner was memorable! It is a prestigious honor to be inducted into this culinary society, AMA Waterways is the only river cruise line to be part of this esteemed society.

Happy Birthday Wendy!!! 🍀

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise:

Budapest, Hungary

March 14-16, 2019

AMA Waterways River Cruise

I arrived in Budapest the evening before the river cruise started. I stayed at the Sofitel Budapest Chain Bridge right on the river and it had spectacular views across the river to Buda.

Breakfast in the club lounge with beautiful views.

Views from my room

The Szechneyi Baths were perfect after traveling. It was a chilly and breezy high 40’s but the mineral baths were hot!

Faust Wine Cellar is in one of Budapest’s underground caves. It was cool and very atmospheric!

St. Matthias Church is up on Castle Hill.

The Hungarian Parliament is an iconic building on the Danube. It’s the picture you see whenever you hear about Budapest or river cruises.

Fisherman’s Bastion is right near the church and has great idea over the city and river.


Shoes on the Danube is a memorial to those lost here during the Holocaust.

Sooo excited to board our river cruise today! This is our 8 day itinerary.

The beautiful AMALea by AMA Waterways

Pictures and floor plan for our balcony cabin.

She looks just as pretty in person!

Some pictures of the ship.

They are flying our flag!!

The dinner Menu our first night.

Dinner was amazing! AMA is known for its fine dining.

After dinner we went up to the sundeck and the ship sails along the Danube and all the buildings are illuminated, it’s so beautiful!

Some brave swimmers in the warm water but for me it was way too cold! It was bitterly cold and raining, almost felt like sleet but it didn’t stop us. They were coming around with glasses of schnapps to keep us warm.

The beautiful Chain Bridge

The Central Market Hall or Nagyvásárcsarnokis a great place to wander, shop and eat!

Lunch at a local cafe for some traditional Hungarian fare.

Not sure how I will eat dinner tonight! I was only able to eat about 1/3 of this massive plate.

Tonight’s Menu

Tonight we are leaving Budapest and sail towards Slovakia. While I enjoyed the few days in Budapest, I am looking forward to Bratislava.

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise: