Lucerne 1991

May 1991

I fell in love with Lucerne the minute I saw it. It’s exactly what you think a Swiss city will look like. I love the medieval buildings, gorgeous lake and white capped Alps as the backdrop. Plus the fresh, crisp mountain air was exhilarating!

It really is a pretty city.

Our first exposure to traditional Swiss music and fondue!

Fun on the lake

View from my hotel balcony!

View in the other direction

A bunch of us on the mountain

Gabby and I are happy with our room!

We also got to see the Rhine Falls, the largest waterfall in Switzerland and Europe!


May 1991

Most famous for the once a decade Passion Play, Oberammergau is a quaint little town with beautifully painted homes in the Alps of Bavaria.


May 1991

Innsbruck is a great city with the impressive Alps, perfect for skiing.

Look at the beautiful view over the city with the imposing Alps.

Such a pretty city

The Golden Roof is a famous landmark in Innsbruck. It was commissioned for a royal wedding.