
May 1991

We took a day trip from Amsterdam to this cute town! I loved it, so much charm and what you picture when you think of Holland.

Gabby and I were excited to see windmills, cows and wooden shoes!

We had the best apple pancakes, huge and thick. We also ate herring right off the docks, take a bite right up to the head!

Schiphol Airport

The Netherlands, New Years Day

Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands

Arriving in Amsterdams Schiphol Airport on New Years Day was foggy and dreary. Our connecting flight was right near the gate we arrived at so it was very convenient but that flight was delayed due to technical issues for an hour. I noticed Grant had what appeared to be a bug or spider bite on his neck and it looked new and red. Once we boarded the flight he started complaining about being itchy, so I gave him a dose of Benadryl afraid it was an allergic reaction to the bite. It just kept getting worse, his whole scalp, back and all the way down to his feet and he had chills. Now I start getting worried, I gave him another Benadryl and piled on blankets. I’m thinking about getting him off the plane before we take off, now I am so anxious I don’t know what to do. So I just held him and let him relax and he slowly started getting better. Thankfully we were delayed and just sitting on the plane so I didn’t have to make any decisions at that point. The boys slept most of the 6.5 hours of the flight and missed dinner. I napped on and off and am tired, I’ve been up about 26 hours so far….but I finally watched Bridget Jones’s Baby during the flight. We arrived at our hotel Le Royal Meridien Abu Dhabi in the Corniche area of Abu Dhabi around 11pm local time, 26 hours after we left our home in California. Finally in bed after 1am local or 29 hours after we got up today.