Travel to Split

June 25, 2019

The coastal road between Dubrovnik and Split is just breathtaking! A curvy two lane road that winds along the edge of cliffs with the beautiful Adriatic alongside you. There are also many areas with pine trees so you’ll smell the scent of pine mixed in with the fresh sea air. I usually don’t like roads like this, they make me nervous but for some reason I’m totally content and enjoying the ride. Pepo, my driver, is good company and drives this road every day so his high speed isn’t bothering me.

We crossed the border into Bosnia-Herzegovina and stopped for coffee. There was a cafe with a beautiful terrace over a harbor. We stretched our legs and had some good strong coffee. The drive between Dubrovnik and Split is about 3-4 hours and can be longer depending on the border crossings. You have to go from Croatia, cross the border into Bosnia then cross back into Croatia. Luckily we didn’t wait more than 15 minutes at each crossing-good timing I guess. Croatia is building a bridge from the mainland across a waterway to their peninsula that juts out close to the Bosnian Coast. We could see all the construction and when it’s finished it will make it so much easier to go from Dubrovnik to Split-no border crossings.

Wow it’s hot! There’s a heat wave in all of Europe right now. While I had fun staying in Kotor and Dubrovnik, I am relieved to get on a boat! I am cruising with Katarina Line Cruises, a Croatian company that I have done business with for my clients. They have great itineraries and have been in business almost 30 years. You really need to see the Dalmatian Islands from a yacht. Taking days trips by ferry is tiring and no fun. We boarded the MS Maritimo, a beautiful boat that has 19 cabins with a max of 38 passengers – we were 24 travel agents on this trip. It’s always so exciting to board and explore!

I unpacked quickly and love my cabin! There’s so much room and it’s cool and quiet. Nice to stay in one place for 5 days.

Now off to explore Split for a few hours before we all meet up at 5pm for the first time.

In the fourth century, Roman emperor Diocletian retired and built a residence for his retirement in his native Dalmatia. When Rome fell, the palace was abandoned. Eventually, a medieval town built up from the abandoned palace. Today the maze of narrow alleys, which were Diocletian’s actual hallways, make up the core of Split. The residents of Split are actually living in a Roman emperor’s palace. Diocletian’s Palace is one of the largest and best-preserved examples of Roman architecture in the world. 

One thing I noticed when looking at pictures of Split and Dubrovnik was that the streets always looked wet. Either that or too many filters, but I couldn’t figure it out. Now that I am here and I am slipping and dragging my feet over the super polished limestone, I understand. It is as smooth as glass from the thousands of years of footsteps, pretty amazing when you think about it.

Notice that some of the columns are darker, they are red granite from Egypt.

The Peristyle was Diocletian’s main square and still has the feeling of the center of everything. A Peristyle was an inner courtyard with columns that surround it, a place for relaxation for the Emperor and also as a place for religious and other public events.

There are two Sphinx still in Split, there were originally twelve and are made of black granite. both are from Egypt and dated at about 3500 years old. The other one is in front of the Temple of Jupiter and is decapitated. As Christianity spread through the region, they destroyed anything that was Pagan but this one survived.

The Temple of Jupiter and the other Sphinx.

The domed Vestibule is one of the most important parts of Diocletian’s original palace. It used to be the dramatic entry into his private residence. Now, because of its great acoustics, cappella singers perform Dalmatian folk music.

There are four gates that allow entrance into the palace and each one leads to the Peristyle dividing the palace into quarters.

This is a rendering of the what the palace looked like.

This is a picture (not mine) of it today from above.

Time to head back to the yacht to meet everyone. Definitely felt great to get out of the heat. The ship is really pretty and very comfortable.

One of my favorite areas, great to grab coffee in the morning and sit back here before breakfast.

The cabins are very modern and have lots of space and light.

Deck plan of our vessel MS Maritimo

First night dinner onboard and meetup with the other guests.

Dinner was very good, gazpacho, beet carpaccio, veal and dessert.

Time to go back out to town to experience Split at night.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

June 24, 2019

Luggage update, I followed up this morning with Aeroflot and the Tivat Airport Lost & Found department. They were hoping it might arrive this morning on the 9:15am flight from Moscow…it didn’t…so back to the same clothes as yesterday. I did get an email later that day that it was on the same flight today that I took yesterday, arriving at 5:30pm in Tivat-I was excited.

My driver was supposed to pick me up at 10am this morning but that had to be put off. They didn’t know how long it would take to send it to me once I cross the country into Croatia, they couldn’t do that easily.

We arrived to the airport at 5:30pm on our way to Dubrovnik. I went in with a positive feeling and lost and found said is this your bag? It wasn’t, they said this is what they sent….I went out to the belt to look around for myself….nothing. I started crying because I didn’t know what we could do. They were figuring out a plan and planned them to send from Moscow to Zagreb then Split-where I’m cruising from. I was just so worried I wouldn’t have it in time for departure. So I walked out defeated, red eyes and head down. As I was walking down the steps the lost and found lady ran out to me, there’s another bag they just found. We excitedly ran in and the belt starts again and my bag appeared! I was so happy I hugged her! Fresh, clean clothes and all my stuff!!

I got in the car and Zoran and I headed up to Croatia! Since it was after 6pm and he knew the tricks, we went to the less popular border crossing and got through in about 10 minutes.

The approach into Dubrovnik was spectacular as the sun was setting! So we stopped at a high vantage point and admired the beauty of the walled city.

Since the Old Town is completely surrounded by a wall, I was dropped off at one of the gates. As I navigated through Dubrovnik, it was already starting to hop, music, people, cafes, a lively scene. I couldn’t wait to get out and experience it.

Dubrovnik’s riches came from shipbuilding and the salt trade and has a beautiful old port, Stara Luka nested behind St. John’s Fort.

I am right on the famous Stradun or Placa-the main thoroughfare through town. The place to see and be seen. It was very busy but the cruise ships left so the crowds weren’t as bad at night.

Dubrovnik is the “Pearl of the Adriatic” and flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries. Luckily it never developed that socialist dullness like many of the other cities did during the Tito years of Yugoslavia. It was always the the glittering tourist destination bringing in money. Until 1991 when it was the only coastal city in Croatia to be dragged into the war and the city was devastated and tourism gone. Today it is back and better than ever albeit too many tourists!

I went to Dalmatino on recommendation for great seafood and atmosphere and it didn’t disappoint!

I ordered cold dry glass of local Rose to start, Local Tuna Sashimi with Mixed Salad, Spring Onions and Black Risotto with Cuttlefish-made with the ink from the cuttlefish-it had a very distinctive briny taste, I loved it. The dinner was even better than I expected.

I don’t mind going out to dinner alone at all, I actually enjoy it once in a while. I like to read and enjoy my food slowly plus the waiters always talk to me so I enjoy learning about new people.

Probably the hardest part after dinner was where to go?! Every door in every alley was spilling with music and people. Outdoor cafes lined the streets too and every seat was full. Groups of friends were laughing and having fun going from place to place. Dubrovnik has a great nightlife!

The views from my window were pretty and right on the Stradun so I could hear all the fun but it was so hot I had to close the windows and put on the air conditioner.

The best time to enjoy Dubrovnik’s Old Town is early morning before the day trippers and cruise ship guests descend upon the town. I really enjoyed seeing the town like this!

Same view from my window in the day.

I don’t watch Game of Thrones so all I know is that Dubrovnik is King’s Landing? I think?!

Quick breakfast-Burek with beef!


June 24, 2019

Lord Byron once said of Montenegro, “When the Pearls of nature were sworn, an abundance of them were strewn all over this area”, and I couldn’t agree more.

Kotor is an idyllic place to while away a few hours, I hiked up above the town for a different perspective. Kotor was one of the most important trading centers in this area of the Adriatic Coast and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Not too long ago Montenegro gained its independence, in 2006.

Great picture of Kotor town from above (not mine). Gives you a great perspective of the layout of the town at the end of the long Bay of Kotor.

Ready to start climbing up

The cats of Kotor are famous

The heat is tough, I started around 8am thankfully! The humidity is starting now so I took a break to take in the view. I could just sit here for an hour looking at the Bay. For cruise ships, it takes about an hour to make the nice slow cruise in the bay from the Adriatic to Kotor town.

Church of Our Lady of Remedy was my destination. It’s so tiny and beautiful with killer views of the Bay of Kotor and the town.

The steep, imposing cliffs that plummet to this narrow inlet of the Adriatic Sea form a stunning backdrop to Montenegro’s Bay of Kotor. It is often called Europe’s southernmost fjord but it isn’t a fjord at all because it wasn’t carved by glaciers. This sparkling bay was created by rising sea levels in an ancient river valley and is absolutely breathtaking!

There’s the church I hiked up to

Silversea cruise ship was in town

More of the seafront promenade right outside of the old town.

More like pictures of the atmospheric old town, every where you turn it is more beautiful than the last.

I took a lovely side trip to Perast today for lunch. Perast, called the “Pearl of Venetian Baroque”, looks like a piece of Venice that floated across the Adriatic and ended up here in the Bay of Kotor! There are many Baroque stone villas from the Venetian period (1420-1797) and set them on this beautiful bay and this is Perast. You can almost feel the history of the glory days when it was rich and powerful before Venice fell to Napoleon.

It is all set along the bay so perfect views and great for a walk.

There is only one Main Street but 16 churches and 17 formerly grand palazzi-still gorgeous! Some are more like ruins with bougainvillea growing all over and some are being renovated like so many recently as the town is becoming more popular.

St. Nicholas Church sits right in the center of town on a perfect square lined with date palms.

My yacht is coming to pick me up! Hahaha, I watched this behemoth slowly cruise into the bay as I ate lunch. I was wondering what it was like onboard, who was onboard, what they were doing-I wanted to join them! I couldn’t see the name, usually I’ll look it up to get more information-oh well.

Here was another huge ship that cruised last me as I enjoyed my lunch. Speaking of lunch…

Hotel Conte was my choice for lunch, Conte means count in Italian and reflects the glory days of the hotel and town. The white table cloths, top notch service and location right at waters edge were exactly what I needed.

Tartar od plavog i crvenog gambora or из голубых и красных креветок depending on which alphabet you use means Blue & Red Shrimp Tartare. Today there were only blue shrimp, which are more local and caught closer to Perast so I was just as happy. I paired it with a crisp local rosé and I could stay here all day.

Opposite Perast, across the water, are the popular tiny islands of Our Lady of the Rocks and St George, each with a church.

This is from Fodor’s, couldn’t explain it better!

St. George’s is a natural island but its sibling, Our Lady of the Rock, is man-made. Folklore has it that in 1452, local sailors found an icon depicting the Virgin and Child cast upon a rock jutting up from the water. Taking this as a sign from God, they began placing stones on and around the rock, slowly building an island over it. By 1630 they had erected a church upon the new island. The original icon, which has been attributed to the 15th-century local artist Lovro Dobričević, is displayed on the altar. Over the centuries, locals have paid their respects to it by donating silver votive offerings, some 2,500 of which are now on display.

Russia to Montenegro

June 23, 2019

It was a quick transit in the airport and I was onboard the next flight. We took a 737 to Tivat Airport near Kotor, Montenegro.

Flight was about 3 and a half hours and I slept most of it, after I had lunch-third time having fish but it seemed to be the better choice!

Arrival into Tivat was quick and easy except for the fact that my luggage wasn’t there.

I spent about 45 minutes in the lost and found department then the Aeroflot desk and back-and-forth with no answer, call tomorrow. So I left disappointed and hopeful that I get my luggage. Thankfully I always take a bathing suit, a dress and a few things to hold me over for a day.

So where is Montenegro?

Very excited to see Montenegro, it’s been on my list for quite a few years. Montenegro is one of Europe’s youngest nations, it only gained its independence in 2006 and has become very popular. Just south of Croatia and a bit exotic, Montenegro isn’t as flashy as Croatia’s famous Dalmatian Coast and noticeable less affluent. But it does have dramatic scenery with rugged mountains and a sun drenched coast line that has seen it’s share of rulers from different empires-Venetian, Austrian and Russian to Bulgarian and even Napoleon. While I am seeing the beautiful and history villages of Montenegro, there are many the still have the drab and gritty Yugoslav era look.

My hotel is an old stone building that is about 600 years old and was once the home of nobility. The current owners keep it beautiful and full of antiques of the period.

I love my room, it’s so atmospheric and it’s right in the middle of the old town. The old town is surrounded by walls and is pedestrian only.

The great wall of Kotor is nearly 3 miles long and sits on extremely inaccessible terrain, it was built between the 9th and 19th centuries. Thickness varies from 6 to 50 feet and tallest parts are 65 feet high.

Old town‘s maze like street plan is confusing, but it’s so small and atmospheric that getting lost is fun! Cafes and bars spill out into the squares and tangled alleys, pretty little shops in between. As the streets get narrower, the shops get more interesting.

Kotor has a rich history as a heavily fortified commercial port since Medieval times. It was one of the most important trading centers in this area of the Adriatic Coast. Sometimes called a “little Dubrovnik” but is more low key, less historic, and much smaller than its neighbor.

Wandering around in the evening was so beautiful, the city looks so different in the golden light. I sat in a beautiful square and listened to live jazz music and had the most delicious dinner-Gnocchi with truffles and shrimp!

Long Flight to the Balkans

June 22, 2019

Check in for my Aeroflot flight to Moscow was pretty long…

But I did have time to relax in the airport lounge and have a cocktail. I also arranged my new travel accessory – Seat Pak Pro.

You take this out of your carry-on as it has all the things you need for the flight.

This large pocket holds a headset, warm socks, plugs, tissues and vodka-more about that later.

The other side holds things like chapstick, moisturizer, eye drops, ear plugs, blinders, etc.

There is also a padded pocket for a kindle or iPad.

Early boarding was quick and flight crew were friendly.

Comfort Class was nice on this Boeing 777. The seat didn’t go back as much as I hoped but it did have a nice extendable foot rest.

The amenity pack has the essentials.

Toothbrush kits in the bathroom.

There are two main meals but both dinner, usually the second is breakfast on long haul flights, but I don’t mind.

First meal was actually good, the Chilean Sea Bass was cooked perfectly-that was a nice surprise!

After dinner I went to sleep, I didn’t notice what time it was but I think I slept about 5-6 hours. I woke up to meal 2 being served. I didn’t have much of an appetite yet.

The salmon wasn’t as good as the bass but not bad-considering it’s airplane food.

About the vodka…Aeroflot had stopped serving alcohol on its flights a while back because of too many incidents with drunk and belligerent passengers. Now they serve it again but only beer and wine. So not knowing the quality of the wine they serve, I opted to have a back up!

I arrived at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow around 3:30am Los Angeles time and 1:30pm the next day in Russia.

Crystal River Cruises

March 2019

Crystal River Cruises invited our group to have dinner and experience their river ships while we were in Vienna, Austria. It was definitely an exciting evening that we were all looking forward to!

The Ravel gliding past my balcony today

Tying up to the Mozart

The Crystal Mahler, sister to Ravel, is to the right. Three beauties!

Tonight we had to go through the Mozart to get to the Ravel. Half of our group went to the Mahler, with pretty much the exact experience as the ship is a sister ship.

A welcome cocktail by friendly bartenders is always nice.

They enjoyed showing off for us too!

We were welcomed into the lounge with cocktails and canapés and piano music, the atmosphere was welcoming and comfortable.

It was a nice time and everyone was excited for dinner.

The Bistro

The Vintage Room

This suite can connect with others for families traveling together.

More pictures of the beautiful Crystal Ravel

Welcome to dinner at Waterside on the Crystal Ravel!

Great dinner companions in Waterside

Tonight’s Dinner Menu

Tonight’s Paired Wines

Cheers….or Prost!

After this amazing dinner, we went over to the Crystal Mozart to explore the ship. Different than the Ravel or Mahler and much wider.

Notice how much wider the ship is as you look to the other side

Connoisseurs Club was very comfortable!


March 2019

We were treated to a real surprise when we arrived early morning in Linz, Austria! AMA Waterways brought their brand new not even finished ship, the AmaMagna, into port next to us! We tied up to it were given a tour of this beautiful new ship! we just weren’t allowed to take pictures onboard, just the pics from our ship of the outside with the name.

It’s still under construction but we were able to get a feeling for the size and differences in this ship from the one we were on. We were like little kids, excited about each new area we saw. You could really see how beautiful and comfortable this ship will be. It’s twice as wide as their other ships, but will only hold 20% more passengers-so you will have even more space. This is definitely a game changer in river cruising and I am excited to see the AmaMagna when finished!

We saw this when we went to the reception area of our ship and were so excited!

Below is information from AMA Waterways website about the new ship:


An evolution of AmaWaterways’ award-winning European river fleet, AmaMagna is twice the width of traditional river ships with ocean-worthy amenities and the intimacy and beauty only the Danube River provides. With more personal space and more opportunities for dining and leisure, AmaWaterways’ latest innovation is the floating oasis of your dreams – redefining river cruising as we know it!

AmaMagna’s expansive breadth is a welcome bonus for discerning travelers and frequent ocean cruisers who appreciate the added luxury afforded by generous personal space. In fact, most of her accommodations are ultra-spacious suites measuring 355-710 sq. ft. and featuring full balconies, so you can stretch your legs while taking in the ever-changing scenery. AmaMagna also has sizable bathrooms, many boasting double sinks and a deluxe walk-in shower, allowing you to rejuvenate without limitations.

As a member of La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, the exclusive international culinary society, AmaWaterways will treat you to our trademark exquisite, locally inspired cuisine on board AmaMagna—but now there’s even more to whet your appetite. In addition to AmaMagna’s Main Restaurant and The Chef’s Table specialty restaurant—where the kitchen, usually hidden, becomes part of the entertainment—you’ll savor fresh, masterfully prepared cuisine within the new Al Fresco Restaurant, featuring retractable windows, as well as Jimmy’s, a family-style bar and restaurant named for AmaWaterways’ beloved late co-owner, Jimmy Murphy. All of this is available to you at no additional cost. So, go ahead—indulge!

From swimming in the sun-deck pool to relaxing in the whirlpool to exercising in the Zen Wellness Studio, AmaMagna offers a variety of activities to accommodate everyone’s tastes. Plus, you can participate in a new river-bound activity exclusive to AmaMagna. Board a Sundowner boat accommodating just 14 guests for an intimate excursion departing from AmaMagna’s groundbreaking Water Sports Platform. On select sailings you can participate in an exclusive Concierge Golf Program to keep up with—or even improve—your game. You can also visit the hair salon, stop in one of two spas, or get a manicure and pedicure.

Munich 2019


March 22, 2019

We were so sad to leave the AmaLea this morning. We had our last breakfast and Mimosa before heading to Munich. We were all exhausted from such a fun week.

A bunch of us took the train from Vilshofen to Munich, an easy 2 hour train ride. Should be fun with all of us.

We were happy to be traveling first class so we could relax and spread out….

Well we were wrong! The first class car wasn’t big enough for all of us and with all of our stuff it was crowded. It looked more like a paddy wagon!

But we had a fun time

We made it to the Hauptbahnhof in Munich and it was a beautiful day.

Our hotel was right in the Altstadt which makes it very convenient to get to all the major sights in Munich. I was so happy to have the bed made like I have at home, very comfy!

Instead of Goldbaren-Gummy Bears they had Schlaf Schäfchen-Sleep Sheep! So cute 🐑

There was a beer festival today and lots of fun events going on. These guys came in with the beer wagons pulled by huge horses!

The Viktualienmarkt is a great place for something to eat, markets for meat, vegetables, flowers, crafts and beer. There is a great outdoor Biergarten that is always busy.

The Marienplatz is the center of old town Munich and has the famous Glockenspiel in the tower of the Rathaus behind me.

The hand-painted blown egg ornaments are my favorite. I bought so many in Salzburg many years ago and they are on the tree every year. I wanted to buy more but wouldn’t be able to carry them.

Outdoor Biergarten in the Viktualienmarkt

The meat options in the Viktualienmarkt are amazing, lots of pork and lots of sausages. Reminds me of when we used to come here on Sunday mornings to get everything we need to make the usual hangover weekend brunch-Weisswurst with sweet mustard, a big pretzel and a big Hefeweizen beer!

Viktualienmarkts colorful and beautiful markets

The maypole in the middle of the Viktualienmarkt

The top of the Rathaus looking at the Frauenkirche, the symbol of Munich.

The Frauenkirche

Looking down at the Marienplatz

Inside the Frauenkirche

The Glockenspiel behind me

The Glockenspiel is world famous since 1908, the figurines twirl a few times a day and represent stories from Munich’s history.

We went to Steindl Trachtem to look at traditional dirndls. We had soooooo much fun trying all the different styles, colors and options.

I ended up with a beautiful light blue dirndl!

Ready for a night out in Munich!

Headed to the beer halls

Prost!!! From the Hofbrauhaus 🍺🥨

Traditional Weisswurst dinner

Lots of fun and oompah music

Lots of laughs at our table

Gute nacht München, ’til next time!

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise:

Vilshofen, Germany

March 21, 2019

Vilshofen, Germany

We left Passau in the early afternoon and made our way to Vilshofen. We have an afternoon and evening of partying so I needed to get a bunch of work done today. It was so peaceful in the lounge on a couch with my laptop watching the beautiful scenery go by.

When we arrived in Vilshofen there was a tent set up right outside of our ship. We had a cocktail party in the lounge first and then headed straight to the beer tent.

It was a small Oktoberfest! They had beer, pretzels, Oompah music and so much fun.

Everyone dressed for the occasion!

The music was great and many of us were dancing, or at least tried to dance to the music!

Oktoberfest led right to dinner.

Tonight’s Menu

Another delicious dinner!

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise:

Passau, Germany

March 21, 2019

Passau, Germany

Such a pretty little town I woke up to this morning. There was a swan there to greet me right in front of my balcony. Passau is on the Austrian border at the confluence of the Danube, Inn and Ilz rivers which is why it is known as the Three Rivers City. There is also a 13th-century fortress overlooking the city.

Morning stroll along the river

The fortress overlooks the town

Passau is susceptible to floods due to the three rivers around it

I love the pastel colors of the buildings.

Such a beautiful church and all the art. In Passau they give directions by which church bell tower you pass since there are so many.

View from the Fortress above the town.

Feels good to be back home

The sundeck is an amazing place to relax and watch the world go by! Too bad we only had a few days to enjoy it. While the weather was nice, it is spring and some days were too chilly. The few days when it hit 60 was perfect to enjoy the deck, it’s so comfortable.

Above are the officers on the AMALea in March 2019.

See more pics of the ship on my Facebook Album AMA Waterways Danube River Cruise: