Costa Rica


Costa Rica is a beautiful county with friendly people they callTico’s. Many don’t know that they have one of the highest literacy rates in the world at 97%!

I met Jeff in Costa Rica after I left Panama. It was an easy trip for me but I missed my first flight from Bocas Del Toro to Panama City. Thankfully there was another flight later on so I still made it to San Jose before Jeff. We spent the first night there then took off the next day for the Osa Penninsula down south on the Pacific side. We stayed in a beautiful resort on Drake Bay. Getting there was tough, small plane from San Jose, landing on a field, Jeep to the shore, wading in the water to get on the speed boat to take us to the resort!

There were little buildings with amazing views of the water and the whales that were constantly breaching. All you had to do was sit on the grass and wait to see them.

With no TV, WiFi or phones it was a perfect place to getaway.

Our room

Storm moving in

Cocktail hour and Jeff playing the guitar.

Yes I will marry you! Jeff proposed last night during a thunder and lightning storm, it was memorable with the sounds of the storm, the sounds of nature and no electricity, 100% natural ❤️

The pool and amazing views

Hard to see but after we went SCUBA diving with Black Tip Reef Sharks, we ran into a family of Humpback Whales. We all quietly got into the water and watched the mother, father and calf swim by, probably about 20 feet away from us! I almost lost my breath it was so amazing!

We spent another day hiking the rainforest and ended up cooling off in the waterfalls.

Next stop was Arenal, we were so excited to see the slowly and calmly erupting volcano but there were clouds for the days we were there.

Tabacon Hot Springs was a highlight! A beautiful resort with colorful flowers and a multi-tiered hot river running through it. They have the temperature posted for each pool and you can choose how hot you want your bath to be!

Next stop is the Nicoya Penninsula in Guanacaste. It is on the Pacific side and more north.

We stayed in Playa Tambor and it was beautiful.

Back to San Jose on our last day before flying home.

This was crazy to see in San Jose, this happened the day after we left. Thankfully we narrowly escaped this!