Leaving Australia

June 6, 2018

It was pretty sad waking up today knowing that we were headed straight to the airport to fly home. After such amazing trip, we didn’t want it to end. Lots of great memories and friendships made, plus so many new Aussie contacts for my clients vacations Down Under.

One of the highlights of the day was finally tasting Australian meat pies. During the course of the whole trip, I wanted to have an authentic meat pie, but we never had the opportunity. So Chris got up early and ordered a whole bunch of meat pies to have delivered to the hotel. They were really good and Andrew taught us how to properly eat them. Yum!

Kangaroo balls seem to be the most popular souvenir!

Love the different flavors around the world.

Love having 3 open seats, looks like I’m sleeping four hours to Auckland!

Must eat my lamb curry first.

I don’t like sweets but this was amazing!

Thankfully I had three empty seats on the flight from Adelaide to Auckland so I ate then slept most of the way there.

We had a 4 1/2 hour layover in Auckland so we went to the lounge. We found a big area for all 12 of us and relaxed, ate, drank, talked, ate, drank, etc! It was fun until we went to the gate and were waiting and waiting and then it was past boarding time and they finally announced a delay….

Two hours later we were off and headed to LAX, just twelve hours to go!

I had to do the calculations and figure out how to get a good nights sleep when I got back. If I can sleep through my first night home, it’s minimal jet lag if any. Since we lost a night on the way home I couldn’t sleep too much, just enough to make it to bed at home. So I slept about 7 hours and had a very hard time getting up. I kept trying and falling back asleep. Finally I got up and walked around a lot, stretched, did some jumping jacks and had a cup of coffee. I watched a movie to pass the last few hours and breakfast arrived, even though it was 3pm in LA.

I always love seeing the American flag when going into Customs and Border Protection.

We all said our goodbyes in the airport and headed home. Back to work at a desk tomorrow…just love working in the field much better!