Sea Kayaking in the Indian Ocean

June 3, 2018

Woke up on our last morning in Exmouth excited to go sea kayaking. We chose our groups for the double kayaks and headed out to the breakers. It was a little scary at first but they told us to just paddle really quickly to get past them. Well of course as we were paddling a huge wave came and I thought it was going to crash over us but we managed to just get up and over it, it was crazy!

Once past the breakers, it was easy we went out a bit and then kept parallel to the shore. There was beautiful coral that we could see underneath us with sea turtles and colorful fish. At one point we saw dolphins a little bit farther out in the distance. We kayaked out but still a safe distance from them and all lined up and stopped to observe. There were so many, jumping, playing, breaching, amazing to see so close! A few times they would disappear for a few minutes then surface closer to us like they were checking us out. Pretty cool to watch them so close.

When it was time to head back, we all went in one at a time to get through the breakers and have someone on the shore to help us. Again Andrew and I did it perfectly and made it in without capsizing.

They had snacks and drinks set up at a picnic table on the beach, and we just talked about what we saw and enjoy the scenery. Some of us went swimming some just talked.

When we got back to Mantaray’s, we didn’t have much time to eat, shower and check out to make it to our afternoon flight to Perth and then on to Adelaide. But, we did manage to get about a half hour in the pool, something we haven’t done since we got there. We all ordered a cocktail and just sat in the pool trying to enjoy the resort for the first time. I knew we were going into colder weather and I didn’t want to leave this beautiful resort and climate.

Flights weren’t that bad, it was about 90 minutes back to Perth, about a 45 minute layover until we boarded our flight to Adelaide. That flight was about 2 1/2 hours but with the time change again, it was about 10:15pm when we landed and 11pm by the time we made it to the next hotel, the Playford. Of course we had to go out, so we went across the street to the casino and they have a big bar there so we all had a drink or two, interacted with some locals and had some laughs, then headed back to bed, long day.