Travel home

Vidareidi, Faroe Islands

We woke up early again, this definitely means vacation is over….but the boys were delighted that there was some snow on the ground. Too bad they didn’t have time to play, we didn’t even have time to eat breakfast at the hotel. So they were trying to make snowballs out of the tiny bit of snow in the planters at the airport. They were happy that it was lightly snowing though and didn’t want to go inside. Of course I was freezing, I’ve seen enough snow in my life! Thankfully we got through the airport and into the lounge pretty quickly. Leaving us time to eat, have a Bloody Mary and relax. The boys were sad to be going home and the snow turned to rain so the dreary weather didn’t help. They were fascinated with the fact that sunrise wasn’t until around 8:30-8:45am so I reminded them of how the tilt of Earths axis causes the changes in amount of daylight and darkness. The science teacher in me never goes away, always looking to apply it to everyday situations. Our 11 hour flight back was uneventful, no one slept, although we tried. So we took off at 10am and landed the same day at 11:45am…ugh! How are we going to get through the day? By the time we got home it was 2pm and we were all asleep by 6pm! It was another amazing family adventure we will never forget. So where to next? We have our ideas but never know until a month or so before….we will have to see! Thanks for following our journey 🙂