The Middle East, New Years Eve 2016

San Clemente, CA

Surprisingly I’m feeling pretty good right now. I guess because I have everything done and slept well but not long enough. Usually I have so much anxiety until I get on the plane worrying about if I have everything, passports, is there anything I didn’t do that I needed to? Car should be here in about 45 minutes for the ride to LAX, hope it doesn’t take too long it’s foggy and dreary out. I shouldn’t have spoke so soon, about 15 minutes before pickup I was notified that our flight was delayed 45 minutes….we only have a 1 hour and 25 minute layover So now I’m an anxious mess! Can’t wait for my Bloody Mary at the airport! As usual, everything worked out well, The ride to the airport was a bit anxious because I kept thinking that I forgot everything! Once we were in the airport lounge, with Bloody Mary’s, everything was good. By the time I got on the plane I was so relaxed. I don’t think I noticed take off at all good sign, at least in my book! Once on board and in flight, it hit midnight in Amsterdam so everyone cheered, clapped and they passed out glasses of champagne, it was awesome! Happy New Year! Dinner was a semi-good chicken curry with rice, salad and an crusty roll with butter. I watched The Godfather to soothe me with another vodka soda with dinner, then a Courvoisier helped me into sleep. Six and a half hours left, I can get a good nap if I fall asleep now. Aaaaaah, somehow I slept about 2+ hours after dinner! That’s major for me on a plane. The canned music put me to sleep but certainly didn’t keep me asleep….woke up to something I hated, can’t remember now but it was terrible… old Springsteen I think. Mad that this plane doesn’t have any plugs for our computers or phones! Not even USB chargers We are all conserving our batteries and not listening to our music or watching our movies on our laptops. Feel like it’s the 90’s or something. The kids are trying to bargain with me for my chargers, they are willing to make a deal with the devil for just a few minutes of charge….too bad, they should have brought their own! They each have a 10,000 amp they got in Hong Kong, but didn’t bring it, sorry. I watched a good movie, reminded me of a French foreign film, which I love. Then they served breakfast, it was actually good! Fresh fruit, yogurt, a cheese omelette, a roll and coffee. The view out the window is beautiful with a sliver of orange along the curvature of the earth. We are landing at 12am pacific time, when everyone is saying cheers in California.