Hong Kong and Home

Hong Kong, China

We had to get up at 4:30am today to get to Singapore airport by 6am…ugh….didn’t sleep too well because all I thought about was getting up early. Surprisingly the boys got up really fast and easily for a change! We only had time for a quick cup of coffee and breakfast in the airport lounge. Singapore airport is gorgeous, it’s huge and full of flowers and orchids and high end boutiques. Everything is new and clean, just like the city. Our first flight is about 4 hours to Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific. We flew them over from LAX and they are amazing, now I know why they are the number one airline in the world. Once we get to Hong Kong we have an hour layover and then a 14 hour flight non stop to LAX. That’s where we will need to do some napping! We leave Asia at 8am and get into LAX at 11:15am the same day because we lose a day as we cross the International Date Line. The second leg was tougher than it was coming over! Coming over was during the day, we left at 1pm and arrived at 7pm, just in time to go to sleep and we had no jet lag. Going from Hong Kong to LAX we left early, lost a day and got back home at 11:15am so it was important to sleep a lot on the flight back because we missed a nights sleep. I did pretty good and took two long naps, Grant slept for a long time and Rowan a little, I don’t think Jeff slept much at all. We’ll have to see how we feel. It was a great trip and I am happy to be going home but sad that our trip is over. It feels like so long ago that we arrived in Asia, can’t believe the month we spent there is over. It was an amazing month and so many great experiences for us and some great time spent together as a family. I think we hit almost all the cities on our wish list (see pic). Now we have to figure out where our next adventure will be 🙂