Eating through Penang

Gelugor, Malaysia

We spent our last day exploring the small city of Georgetown. It is the capital of Penang and Penang is an island right off the coast of Malaysia in the Straits of Mallaca attached to the Andaman Sea. It is known as one of the best places to eat in the world. The fusion of the Malay, Chinese and Indian cultures and its location along the Spice Trade route made its food legendary. As you can tell by the pictures, it is amazing. We stopped at a famous pastry shop and tried a few local delicacies. I was lucky enough to have a Chinese man help me and describe what everything was and what they tasted like. I was afraid of the salted egg pastry but it actually wasn’t bad, salty and sweet. But the best was the Trishaw Egg Custard! Very light and flaky pastry with what seemed like hundreds of layers all holding a warm gooey egg custard that was dreamy! I wish we could have spent some more time here because I don’t feel like I experienced enough of their food!